Not having enough showing off his skills with a pick, and for those who think playing with a pick means not knowing how to slap, here is Olralph doing an amazing job with the Red Hot Chili Peppers' "Blackeyed Blonde," and again, he makes it look so easy, and I know for a fact this tune is anything but easy. This guy is becoming a master on bass at a demonic pace. Pretty soon very few LRRG's will be able to keep up with Young Master Samuel.
Don't believe that's really him playing? I recommend you click on the stereo link. His bass is on the left channel.
Got a video you'd like to submit? Send it over to LRRGods@gmail.com, or the LRRG YouTube Channel with the title "LRRG Submission" or something other to that effect!
Don't believe that's really him playing? I recommend you click on the stereo link. His bass is on the left channel.
Got a video you'd like to submit? Send it over to LRRGods@gmail.com, or the LRRG YouTube Channel with the title "LRRG Submission" or something other to that effect!