After a few days off from posting, I am back and taking care of business in the good ol' LRRG blog. And what a better way to start off the year with a submission by Björk's fellow country man, our very own Samuel, A.K.A. Olralph setting Iceland on fire?
This was a double submission, so it will be posted in two parts. In this first one, Samuel shows his little-known skills with a pick (I had no idea) by doing the Kings of Leon's "Sex on Fire." If you've followed this blog for a while, you'll be as amazed as me on how good Samuel is getting on bass. Each time he gets more accurate and he makes it look so easy.
Oh, but it's not over yet. Impressed by his pick ability? Wait for part two, in which he slaps.
Got a video you'd like to submit? Send it over to LRRGods@gmail.com, or the LRRG YouTube Channel with the title "LRRG Submission" or something other to that effect!
This was a double submission, so it will be posted in two parts. In this first one, Samuel shows his little-known skills with a pick (I had no idea) by doing the Kings of Leon's "Sex on Fire." If you've followed this blog for a while, you'll be as amazed as me on how good Samuel is getting on bass. Each time he gets more accurate and he makes it look so easy.
Oh, but it's not over yet. Impressed by his pick ability? Wait for part two, in which he slaps.
Got a video you'd like to submit? Send it over to LRRGods@gmail.com, or the LRRG YouTube Channel with the title "LRRG Submission" or something other to that effect!