Take the cosmic highway to the moon -or Colorado, at least- with this awesome rendition from Geothro of Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade's over-7-minutes-long "Cosmic Highway," complete with psychedelic video effects and awesome bass-playing! Come to watch him play, and stay for the douchebag comment he got! (hint: starts with: "sigh.").
Using the site for mindless self-promotion once again, and hoping Geothro won't mind sharing the post, I present to you guys a RAW video I (PookLowEnd) did with my buddy kdc300z and awesome Romanian drummer thedb99 of Red Hot Chili Peppers' "Hump De Bump."
So what's this RAW thing? It's a concept created by Ken -or kdc300z- and it stands for "Rock Around the Web": collaborations between musicians on the vast cyberspace. For anyone who would like the RAW intro, I will be posting it on this site and the YouTube LRRG Channel shortly.
Submit your LRRG material to: LRRGods@gmail.com or to the LRRG YouTube Channel.