zakryan79, that handsome chap in the picture, is currently running in a contest, and he needs the vote of the Living-Room Rock Gods so he can win... TWO CD'S!
All you have to do is go to this guy's channel (RockItOutBlog in YouTube) and post a comment before this Friday (the 27th), saying you vote for Zak's "Master of Puppets" video (that one just above this text), and that's it.
Help a fellow LRRG... who knows when you'll need his vote?... what if you run for president one day?
All you have to do is go to this guy's channel (RockItOutBlog in YouTube) and post a comment before this Friday (the 27th), saying you vote for Zak's "Master of Puppets" video (that one just above this text), and that's it.
Help a fellow LRRG... who knows when you'll need his vote?... what if you run for president one day?