The info on this video by stoneagearcher says "my attempt at Rush's "Circumstances." I think it's safe to say: attempt successful. This American LRRG bangs on his lovely Rick bass nailing Geddy Lee's bass line with the calm and peaceful attitude of a blue whale. Anyone who's ever tried playing Rush knows playing a Geddy Lee-written bass line without a look of terror on one's face, or suffering serious finger-injury, is quite a achievement.
Got a video you'd like to submit? Send it over to LRRGods@gmail.com, or the LRRG YouTube Channel with the title "LRRG Submission" or something other to that effect!
Got a video you'd like to submit? Send it over to LRRGods@gmail.com, or the LRRG YouTube Channel with the title "LRRG Submission" or something other to that effect!