What do you mean Pink Floyd's "Atom Heart Mother" is not the longest rock song ever? What's longer than that, "Echoes"? Rush's "2112"? They're all over 20 minutes long, you know?... There's a 42-minute rock song?! By who, Iron Butterfly? "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, part II: The Sequel"?...
...Ah, of course: Dream Theater. "Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence" -I just found out- is a 42-minute, 8-part -or "degrees"- epic. And that, for me, it's 41 minutes, 7 parts of way too much Dream Theater. However, I do enjoy watching the Living Room Rock Gods being Living Room Rock Gods. Here, Chilean singer dioseolo takes on "War Inside My Head," the third part -or "degree"- of the afore-mentioned Dream Theater piece, and I don't have much frame of reference, but I think he did a kick-ass job...
...No, I'm not going to go listen to the original. It's 42 minutes long, man!