Joshua, also known as AjaxTheYeti finally took the plunge and decided to post a couple of vocal covers on his YouTube channel. Out of the two, this one is my favorite: PUSA's "Twig." Please watch his videos and comment on them to encourage him to post more and we can see more of the coolest beard in YouTube!
November 28, 2008
November 27, 2008
I found this one among Rob's favorites, which is where I go when I want to post something of Death Metal, or Speed Metal, or Heavy Metal, or any other branch of Metal with another adjective altogether. I can always trust in finding something cool in there, like this one.
You just know it has to be a metal song when it's title is something like "Dead and Grotesque," and if you consider the band's name is Spawn Of Possession, then there's no doubt left... and if, on top of it, we take a look at the name of the guy playing, then even the tiniest shred of doubt of "hmm... well, maybe it's a jazz band" gets blown to smithereens: RiversofGore.
I don't know how guitarists who write riffs like this one can play 2-hour concerts, in all honesty. But it sure is entertaining to watch!
You just know it has to be a metal song when it's title is something like "Dead and Grotesque," and if you consider the band's name is Spawn Of Possession, then there's no doubt left... and if, on top of it, we take a look at the name of the guy playing, then even the tiniest shred of doubt of "hmm... well, maybe it's a jazz band" gets blown to smithereens: RiversofGore.
I don't know how guitarists who write riffs like this one can play 2-hour concerts, in all honesty. But it sure is entertaining to watch!
November 26, 2008
Something every drummer should know is how to twirl a drum stick. For sure it's a tough thing to do, so let an expert such as lady LRRG LBird44 show you how it's done. In a little over 2 minutes, she breaks it down in a tutorial that's so easy to understand that even I could do it, and I can barely walk and chew gum at the same time. Now every drummer out there can show off like it's 1985!
November 25, 2008

The info on this video by stoneagearcher says "my attempt at Rush's "Circumstances." I think it's safe to say: attempt successful. This American LRRG bangs on his lovely Rick bass nailing Geddy Lee's bass line with the calm and peaceful attitude of a blue whale. Anyone who's ever tried playing Rush knows playing a Geddy Lee-written bass line without a look of terror on one's face, or suffering serious finger-injury, is quite a achievement.
Got a video you'd like to submit? Send it over to, or the LRRG YouTube Channel with the title "LRRG Submission" or something other to that effect!
Got a video you'd like to submit? Send it over to, or the LRRG YouTube Channel with the title "LRRG Submission" or something other to that effect!
November 21, 2008
My buddy kdc300z has been making a lot of RAW videos recently. For those of you who don't remember, RAW stand for "Rock Around the Web" and you can get the intro for it in the LRRG YouTube Channel.
Thanks to him, I discovered HouseFunk here. They did a 311 collaboration together for "Purpose" [which you can see here] and I immediately subscribed to this talented bassist's channel. Yes, he's very good, and hardly ever misses a note, but I got to admit that was not my main motivaton. Despite our current campaign's slogan, this time my motivation is theft. He doesn't know I'm just measuring his room's dimentions, and when he least expects it, I'm going to climb off from the roof like Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible and steal that beautiful 5-string Thumb BO from him... SHHH!...
...Oh, he's playing 311's "Uncalm."
Thanks to him, I discovered HouseFunk here. They did a 311 collaboration together for "Purpose" [which you can see here] and I immediately subscribed to this talented bassist's channel. Yes, he's very good, and hardly ever misses a note, but I got to admit that was not my main motivaton. Despite our current campaign's slogan, this time my motivation is theft. He doesn't know I'm just measuring his room's dimentions, and when he least expects it, I'm going to climb off from the roof like Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible and steal that beautiful 5-string Thumb BO from him... SHHH!...
...Oh, he's playing 311's "Uncalm."
November 20, 2008
The e-mail said something else. He recommended a band which goes by the name of "Medieval" from the eighties who are just making a comeback. It's safe to say I had no idea who the hell he was talking about, since they're kind of underground, and I'm nothing of a musicologist, but I decided to check them out anyway.
Long story short, these guys were around when hair metal ruled the airwaves and thrash metal was rebelling against it. One quick listen to "Blood and Anger" and it becomes obvious why Medieval didn't fit in any of those two scenes. They're deffinetly not a spandex-wearing, hole-in-the-ozone-spray kind of band; but they didn't have showlder-length hair and their music is not a who-can-play-faster competition either. Medieval would've been a nice alterantive to those two main scenes during the eighties if they hadn't been caught in the middle of a legal battle between record labels.
However, they've started releasing new material and playing live after 20 years [the guy who sent me the e-mail had just seen them the night before and said it was awesome] so they're deffnitively worth a listen (which you can do on their MySpace profile). Even if it's not your style of music, it's interesting to note what kind of alternatives were around in the era of spandex vs leather.
Long story short, these guys were around when hair metal ruled the airwaves and thrash metal was rebelling against it. One quick listen to "Blood and Anger" and it becomes obvious why Medieval didn't fit in any of those two scenes. They're deffinetly not a spandex-wearing, hole-in-the-ozone-spray kind of band; but they didn't have showlder-length hair and their music is not a who-can-play-faster competition either. Medieval would've been a nice alterantive to those two main scenes during the eighties if they hadn't been caught in the middle of a legal battle between record labels.
However, they've started releasing new material and playing live after 20 years [the guy who sent me the e-mail had just seen them the night before and said it was awesome] so they're deffnitively worth a listen (which you can do on their MySpace profile). Even if it's not your style of music, it's interesting to note what kind of alternatives were around in the era of spandex vs leather.

Submit your band, or someone else's to:
November 19, 2008
The LRRG representative of Deutschland now has the floor.
Watch as drummer JoeyJordisonGirl calmly sits down in front of her drums and proceedes to rock the hell out of Green Day's "Holiday." It's not a coinsidence this particular video has over 58,000 views, and her subscribers are over 900; trust me on this one.
This cover is so cool you should stop by her YouTube channel, or video comments, and leave her a big, fat "danke schön!"
Watch as drummer JoeyJordisonGirl calmly sits down in front of her drums and proceedes to rock the hell out of Green Day's "Holiday." It's not a coinsidence this particular video has over 58,000 views, and her subscribers are over 900; trust me on this one.
This cover is so cool you should stop by her YouTube channel, or video comments, and leave her a big, fat "danke schön!"
November 18, 2008

First of all, let me apologize for my few days absence from posting. Besides Windows sucking, I got floored by a raging flu and just now my thoughts are making sense again. Or as much as they used to. Daily posting (or almost) will resume now.
I'm going to try to explain this submission, hoping it makes sense and I don't lose the reader along the way. Please remember I have a flu, so bare with me. *Sniff*.
For the first time ever (I think) the user submitting this video is not the person apearing on it. It was submitted by mrn27. The girl doing an amaznig job playing and singing goes by the name of Shealeigh (and thank god I'm writing this and not speaking it because I'd probably butcher her name trying to pronounce it), and she's doing a song by Young Hines -this guy- called "Freezin' in June."
Where do kids this young get this kind of talent? When I was her age I was a bone-head playig with my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures and runing into walls. Thanks a lot to mrn27 for sending over this talented young LRRG.
Got a video you'd like to submit? Send it over to, or the LRRG YouTube Channel with the title "LRRG Submission" or something other to that effect!
I'm going to try to explain this submission, hoping it makes sense and I don't lose the reader along the way. Please remember I have a flu, so bare with me. *Sniff*.
For the first time ever (I think) the user submitting this video is not the person apearing on it. It was submitted by mrn27. The girl doing an amaznig job playing and singing goes by the name of Shealeigh (and thank god I'm writing this and not speaking it because I'd probably butcher her name trying to pronounce it), and she's doing a song by Young Hines -this guy- called "Freezin' in June."
Where do kids this young get this kind of talent? When I was her age I was a bone-head playig with my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures and runing into walls. Thanks a lot to mrn27 for sending over this talented young LRRG.
Got a video you'd like to submit? Send it over to, or the LRRG YouTube Channel with the title "LRRG Submission" or something other to that effect!
November 13, 2008
As you can probably tell, my computer has suffered a major software suckage -it's Windows, after all- and I'll be out of commission for a few days untill I get it fixed, which sadly means no updates, at least for the rest of this week.
According to my coputer tech, it shouldn't take more than a few days to fix. I'll be back soon, LRRG's!
November 11, 2008

The store now has new products, such as stickers, buttons, and even a really expensive banner! More crap -such as posters and even a cap- coming soon!
Go check them out HERE!
November 10, 2008

Australian LRRG happyslappysoong decided to test his newly acquired 6-string bass -a Yamaha TRB1006- on a Carlos Santana song you all might have heard of: "Black Magic Woman." Was the bass line to this song good enough to test such a powerful machine? No! He decided to test it playing the guitar part! And you know what? It's great!
November 7, 2008
November 6, 2008
I learned to play the bass by myself. However, if Snowman Bob were my mentor, I know for sure I would've turned out to be the greatest bassist in the world, kicking the ass of other bass players of the stature of Victor Wooten, Les Claypool, or Geddy Lee.
It's not too late for you! Click "play" and let Snowman Bob shower you with musical wisdom and transmit his impeccable playing technique to you!
We're not worthy, oh God of bass, Snowman Bob!
November 5, 2008
Alan2496 does such a good job on his multi-track rendition of Foo Fighter's "Learn To Fly," that all he's missing is an airplane in which everyone is stoned. He has even cloned himself many times like the band does in the video... although I doubt Dave Grohl and Nate Mendel can really land a plane... I doubt Alan2496 can either...
Anyway, I seriously recommend you click on the stereo link so you get the full impact of this nicely produced video.
November 4, 2008

What do you mean Pink Floyd's "Atom Heart Mother" is not the longest rock song ever? What's longer than that, "Echoes"? Rush's "2112"? They're all over 20 minutes long, you know?... There's a 42-minute rock song?! By who, Iron Butterfly? "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, part II: The Sequel"?...
...Ah, of course: Dream Theater. "Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence" -I just found out- is a 42-minute, 8-part -or "degrees"- epic. And that, for me, it's 41 minutes, 7 parts of way too much Dream Theater. However, I do enjoy watching the Living Room Rock Gods being Living Room Rock Gods. Here, Chilean singer dioseolo takes on "War Inside My Head," the third part -or "degree"- of the afore-mentioned Dream Theater piece, and I don't have much frame of reference, but I think he did a kick-ass job...
...No, I'm not going to go listen to the original. It's 42 minutes long, man!
November 3, 2008

Come in, and become a real* Living Room Rock God by spending your hard-earned money in the LRRG store in this time of world economic crisis!...
...seriously though, come in and get stuff. You can get T-Shirts for both LRRGods and LRRGoddesses. More products -such as stickers, buttons, and even contemplating a cap- coming soon.
*The acquisition of a LRRG T shirt may not affect reality.
Click HERE to check out the store!
Also, there will be a small contest in the forums so LRRG's can submit their own designs to make a T-Shirt or two. Interested in other LRRG's wearing stuff you created? Come check out the forums!
November 2, 2008
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