LRRG doghousedave made a multi-video submission with a lot of LRRG greatness which made choosing only one video to show here very difficult. I went with his instrumental renditon of Stevie Wonder's "Superstition," however he submitted may more (which will be listed at the end of this post). In it, he shares credits with bassist prboyd, who also edited the video, and drummer governedbyneptune.
WARNING: guitarists may experience dangerous ammounts of jelousy upon watching doghousedave playing a Gibson Les Paul and a Fender Stratocaster at the beginning. Then, later on, during the solo, he whips out a gorgeous blue PRS.
For more awesomeness by doghousedave, please visit his channel. For a taste of what he's capable of, have a looksie at the other videos he submitted:
Gary Moore - still got the blues
Jeff Beck - 'cause we've ended as lovers
Carlos Santana - samba pa' ti
Billy Gibbons - sharp dressed man
Dire Straits - sultans of swing
Got a video you'd like to submit? Send it over to LRRGods@gmail.com, or the LRRG YouTube Channel with the title "LRRG Submission" or something other to that effect!
WARNING: guitarists may experience dangerous ammounts of jelousy upon watching doghousedave playing a Gibson Les Paul and a Fender Stratocaster at the beginning. Then, later on, during the solo, he whips out a gorgeous blue PRS.
For more awesomeness by doghousedave, please visit his channel. For a taste of what he's capable of, have a looksie at the other videos he submitted:
Gary Moore - still got the blues
Jeff Beck - 'cause we've ended as lovers
Carlos Santana - samba pa' ti
Billy Gibbons - sharp dressed man
Dire Straits - sultans of swing
Got a video you'd like to submit? Send it over to LRRGods@gmail.com, or the LRRG YouTube Channel with the title "LRRG Submission" or something other to that effect!