October 31, 2008
Recently we've been complaining a lot about our videos being taken down and the douchebaggery shown by some record companies, artists, associations [you can't spell "associations" without "ass"], and other entities who have taken issue with the fans doing tributes to their idols; but there's another side to all this. Not long ago, Lars Ulrich did a video asking the fans to keep at it. And now, here's another little piece of evidence that suggests artists not only don't take offense in what we do, but feel flattered and do see it as a tribute.
As you can see from the video, it's awesome Hannah (a.k.a. drumplayher) doing another one of her great covers; this time: Foghat's "I Just Want To." But that's not all there is to it to this video. As she kindly pointed out to me in a message, she got a very special comment on this:

I have to admit, since I have not heard Foghat at all, my first question to her was: "who?" To all of you who are as ignorant as me, Roger Earl is the drummer from Foghat himself. But the story doesn't stop there. Mr. Earl was nice enough to call her on the phone as well, and she got to speak to him.
So, as you can see, my fellow Living Room Rock Gods and Goddesses, there's another side of the "moronic-faceless-entity-took-my-video-down" story. Keep posting videos! What we're doing is not illegal!
Tribute IS NOT theft.
UPDATE: This morning, "they" removed Hannah's "Crosstown Traffic" video. "They" are not kidding! "They" are really after those evil music thieves! who apparently are 14 year old drummer girls. What a classy move, eh?
October 30, 2008
Who doesn't know John Lennon's "Working Class Hero"? It's quite a timeless song. It was recorded in 1970. Now, almost 40 years later, it's still easily recognized, and young musicians from all over are singing it, with a little help from Green Day, maybe, but it's still quite an awesome fact, when you stop and think about it.
Check out Dutch Living Room Rock Goddess musicus0099 prove me right with her great version of this meaningful song (although, musically I always thought it was a bit monotonic, but that might have been on purpose. I mean, it was John Lennon, after all; what do I know?).
Later today: Pook's 500 Subscriber's Special, video 4.
October 29, 2008
October 28, 2008

Some months ago I changed the strings on my Warwick bass from light Fenders to heavy Earnie Balls (strings); boy was I pissed off. Not because I didn't like them, but because I had few options left. Either stick with them, or go in a travesty to downtown to browse through some stores, which doesn't sound like a big deal, but trust me, when you live in Mexico City like myself, that is a whole day gone.
"I know!", I naively thought, "I'll get my strings online!" Yeah?, tough break, tough guy. Most stores like Guitar Center or Musicians Friend do not ship their stuff over here. Feeling like raising my fist in fury and claiming "latin power," again I set off to look for a store that did, and I found this site: Strings By Mail.
Tough break, no Fenders. However they did ship over here, and my feelings of being discriminated against had not faded away, so they could've sold grape fruit for all I cared, I was buying. I'm not going to lie to you, and since they're not paying me anything to write this review, I don't need to. For bass players, their variety is not the best. It's far from the best. Actually, they have 3 brands: D'Addario, DR, and Thomastik.
However, for guitar players, this would be a nice store for you to check out. They have a great variety of guitar strings of several brands and gauges, divided into three categories: Classical, Acoustic, and Electric.
They also have a variety of "other instruments" strings, so if you have an acoustic bass laying around, or a vihuela mexicana (I shit you not), you can pick up some strings for them here as well.
"What about other stuff, such as accessories, or books, or DVD's?" you're asking yourself, or not, but I'll tell you anyway: yeah, they don't sell just strings. I've found quite a few other interesting chochkies ranging from your usual stuff, such as guitar picks and capos, to the stuff that one would guess belong to another store, such as nail care and humidifiers.
What's nice about Strings By Mail, I found out, is they're big enough to have a wide variety of stuff (manly for guitar, though *raises fist in fury: "bass powah!"*), but small enough to treat you personally and not through a PR, permanent-smile person and automated e-mails. (When I got my strings (by mail), there was a hand-written message on the envelope thanking me for buying there).
Have a website you'd like me to review, or you've written a review yourself? Submit it to LRRGods@gmail.com or in a message to the LRRG YouTube Channel.
October 27, 2008
EMBARRASSING... (for me)

Come in and check out LRRG popstotexas' great skill! His Gibson SG Special is awesome, his sound is awesome, his playing is awesome...
...so why is this embarrassing?, I hear you ask (silently)... because I have no idea what he's playing! I know it's a song called "Set Me Free," but who is it from? I have no clue; and I've looked everywhere. And the fact that he regards it as a "classic song" in his video description makes me feel even more embarrassed. *blush*.
I know one thing, though. He's not playing the original version of the song. Living-Room Rock God popstotexas is covering an alternate version by kick-ass German guitarist rookyfromberlin.
One thing is for certain: that's Rob Halford, singing with the audience at the beginning of the video; footage taken by himself (popstotexas himself) at a Judas Priest concert.
Later today: 500 YouTube Subscribers Special post.
Update: thanks to good samaritan BlkSabbass I now know the original is "Set Me Free" by The Supremes.
October 24, 2008
Continuing with the girl-musician theme I now bring you Chilean LRRG feelingblack17 and her rendition of the Stone Temple Pilots' "Sour Girl." I've always regarded this song as an easy one. Now that I see another bassist play it, I realize I could not have been more wrong. The verse seems to have this "walking" quality that makes it very intimidating.
If you've realized the same as me, you don't have to be afraid, however. Not-so-sour-girl feelingblack17 very calmly kicked it's ass. I, for one, predict a brilliant future for this young bassist.
Interesting note: for those of you who don't speak spanish: on the video description she dedicates the video to her sister who apparently plays the cello. My guess is musical talent runs wild over there!
October 23, 2008
Remember how A Perfect Circle used to have a girl bass player? Imagine now if they would also have kick-ass Living-Room Rock Goddess meytalll in their lineup. Check her out as she does an awesome rendition of APC's "Judith" while getting filmed by her friend Jen.
Her camera ran out of batteries at the end. But don't worry, that's a good thing. She replaced the ending with footage of both girls head-banging to this awesome tune! Woo-hoo!
October 21, 2008
311 MEDLEY (part 2)
311 MEDLEY (part 1)
A looooong time ago, I did a 311 collaboration (see here) with a groovy guitarist named HexStylee. Ever since, he hasn't updated much. However, it's always great to see new videos of him, and this one was quite the nice surprise.
The sleeping LRRG in him finally awakens and, in a single take, he does not one, or two, or three, but four 311 covers. Thanks to YouTube's no-longer-than-ten-minutes policy, he had to split it into two parts. This is (obviously) part 1. I will post part 2 as soon as I see him post it.
Part 1: "Don't Dwell," "Reconsider Everything"
October 20, 2008

Digital camera microphones usually suck when recording an instrument-playing video, specially a bass-playing video. However, bassplayer1274's worked surprisingly well for his rendition of Korn's "Word Up!," maybe because he's working with an equally small amp -I don't really know, just taking a wild guess.
I would ask one thing from bassplayer1274 -and I think you would too- that I don't usually ask from a guy on camera: show your right-hand-action, man!
Submit your LRRG material to: LRRGods@gmail.com or to the LRRG YouTube Channel.
October 17, 2008
*Rant alert*
Good work, corporate lawyers! You got another evil musician from Texas who has complete disregard for copyright and dared to do a cover of "Umbrella" by Rihanna! Your dedication against the evildoers who play in their own living-room is admirable!
I may be naive, or maybe even a little paranoid, but if they're asking people like metallicat511 to take down drum covers from their own personal YouTube channels, playing in their own bedrooms/living-rooms, what keeps this people to knock on your door with a couple of cops and arrest you because a neighbor heard you playing "Umbrella"? Are guitar teachers going to get sued next? Since when having fun became illegal?
Something has to be done about this. It's getting ridiculous. We're not selling copyrighted material. We're not making a profit. We're just people playing at their homes and sharing our videos with other musicians all over the world. If anything, we're giving this assholes free publicity, aren't we? I, for one would've never heard of a few great bands if it wasn't for people making covers of them in YouTube. It was another LRRG who got me into 311, for instance, and now I'm a big fan.
Don't these people have morals anymore? Is money all they care about? This has got to stop. Soon. I ask of you, Living-Room Rock Gods: don't stop uploading videos or playing covers. Don't let these corporate morons win.
*Rant over*
October 16, 2008
October 14, 2008
Meet professional bass player/musician neftalilopez75, whom I'm proud to call a paisano. Straight from Pachuca, Mexico, he will melt your face off with his rendition of Béla Fleck And The Flecktones' "Vix 9." If your face is not melted enough, check out the rest of his videos. I guarantee a face-melting experience. If that is still not enough, check him out jamming with his friend, another paisano, guitarist CesarHuesca.
Small bonus: blooper!
October 13, 2008

LRRG Submissions from drummers is a rare thing. In fact, if my memory doesn't fail me, last Submission by a drummer I got was from LouddrummerO: a collaboration of him and BrandonLibman2008 playing Cake's "I Will Survive."
Anyway, here's another rendition from a drummer: LRRG zildpais invites us into his small home [I'm guessing] studio for a great a laid-back rendition of 311's "Amber." You'll notice his acoustic drums are not microphoned, but still gives a great sound. How does he do it?... I have no idea. Magic?
Submit your LRRG material to: LRRGods@gmail.com or to the LRRG YouTube Channel.
October 9, 2008
"What is Anex?" I hear you ask. A credit card? No. That's AmEx. Anex is LRRG thejohnofsteel's band. A few months ago he uploaded a couple of their songs -both instrumental- to his YouTube account and I failed to post them here until now... I know, shame on me. Both are much worth the listen. I have no idea how, or who recorded them, but the production is quite high, not to mention the awesome playing by these guys.
"Days Turn To Weeks"
"When Zero Equals Infinity"
They also have a MySpace profile. CHECK IT OUT.
October 7, 2008
Browsing through the solo videos I realized in terror that there was not one Joe Satriani cover on there. Considering the amount of talent among the YouTube guitarist LRRG's, that's just wrong; an insult, even.
I picked Japanese LRRG howaiti and his rendition of "Cool #9" (Live in San Francisco version) to be the first ever Satch guitar cover to be featured here. Why? Was it his great playing? His impecable playing? The fact that he doesn't seem to miss one note? His beautiful Ibanez guitar?... well, yeah, sure; but also... awwww look at the kitty!
October 6, 2008

LRRG CosaNostraDeSantis5 returns this week with an interesting submission. Have you ever heard Rush's "2112"? It's over 20 minutes long. So, putting it into a single YouTube video is impossible for a musician, thanks to that 10 minute limit crap (don't they know there are plenty o' songs longer than 10 minutes?). Anyway, instead of breaking the song into two parts, he picked out his three favorite parts of the song and posted a bass rendition of those: Part I: "Overture;" Part II: "The Temples Of Syrinx;" and Part IV: "Presentation," making it almost a full 10 minute video.
October 3, 2008
Recently I posted a collaboration for the Red Hot Chili Peppers' song "Hump De Bump." This is the young drummer in that video: TheDB99, covering OK GO!'s popular song "Here It Goes." Personally, I would've liked it more if he were playing on a treadmill, but I guess that'd be almost* impossible for a drummer...
October 2, 2008
I don't know what it is it this week, but I'm in a very acoustic mood. I apologize for that... here's two more!
First is some ukulele Living-Room Rock Godness with shanifawni's rendition of a song I've never heard ("New Soul") by a French singer I've never heard of (Yael Naim). I have no idea if the original is played on an ukulele -and I can't be bothered finding out- but I'm go ahead and guess it's not. But even if it is, this girl did a great job.
The second update is so awesome that I don't even care the embedding is disabled. I'm still going to link you to it:
Scottish Living-Room Rock Goddess (or should I say Bath-Room Rock Goddess?) mpvt covers The Rolling Stones' "Wild Horses"... and she left me speechless. It is that unbelievable. Just watch it and get a load of the voice on her.
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