I remember my guitarist asking me not to post our "Pistola" rendition on YouTube because it wasn't our best rendition of the song. In fact, we screwed up a lot. There's even a moment in it -starting the second verse- where the singer looks at him with a look in his eyes of "what the hell are you doing?!" However, it was rehearsal ad we were just having fun so "no harm done," I thought.
I knew we were going to get some criticism, and even some straight-forward Douchebag Comments. But nothing would've prepared me for someone actually having a regression to the actual beginnings of the Human race:

One look at this guy's profile was enough to find out this regression to the beginning of time itself was not a coincidence:

He's right about something, though. He says he likes to be funny. He is. What a funny Neanderthal he is.
Got a douchebag comment? Submit it to: LRRGods@gmail.com. Please include "Douchebag Comment" as a subject. Thank you!