May 18, 2009

SUB: Jackyl Or Pennywise?... Jackyl Or Pennywise?

I have a bone to pick with sageguitar70: he usually sends more than one video per submission, which would be just fine... IF NOT EVERY SINGLE ONE KICKED ASS! which makes it nearly impossible to choose between one or the other. This time, literally, I was so torn, that I picked his rendition of Jackyl's "Down on Me" because I like the Les Paul better than the Ibanez he uses for the other video in his submission: Pennywise's "Western World." So, Mr. sageguitar70, I tip my hat to you for kicking ass.

Next Week: mymassivehead collaborates with himself: a 1993 original!
Got a video you'd like to submit? Send it over to, or the LRRG YouTube Channel with the title "LRRG Submission" or something other to that effect!